The entity is registered in the Register of Associations of the Generalitat of Catalonia in section 1 of the Tarragona Register under number 3731. Its ‘Personal Autonomy Support Service’ is registered in the Register of Entities, Services and Social Establishments, in the Primary Social Care Services and Establishments Section, with number S07034.

La Lliga was declared of Public Utility on 20 November 2014.  

It is registered in the Municipal Register of entities of Tarragona City Council under number 804; and registered in the Municipal Register of citizen entities of Reus City Council under number 253.

La Liga de Afectados Reumatológicos y Discapacitados Comarcas de Tarragona is a member of the Federación Mistral Cocemfe Tarragona, Cocemfe Cataluña, COCEMFE, the Federación Catalana de Fibromialgia y Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica, and the Fundación de Afectados de Fibromialgia y Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica.

The organisation’s head office is located in Reus at 33-35 Doctor Ferran Street 1° (Red Cross Building, on loan from the Reus City Council and the Reus Red Cross). The organisation also has branches in the city of Tarragona: C/ Francesc Bastos, 19 (Casa de Mar, on loan from the Generalitat de Catalunya).