INVICTES (Undefeated) is a service promoted by the Catalan Traffic Service whose general objective is to offer support and guidance services that promote the personal autonomy and independent living to seriously injured traffic victims with lifelong consequences.
You can find the Invictes Service on the website of the Catalan Traffic Service at the following link: Service for the inclusion of seriously injured traffic victims in their social environment. Catalan Traffic Service (
Information and Guidance
- Information and completion of formalities related to the situation of disabled persons.
- Information on existing benefits and resources in the field of disability.
- Guidance and financial information
· C/ Doctor Ferran, 33-35, 1er pis, 43202, Reus
· C/ Francesc Bastos, 19 (Edifici Casa del Mar) Tarragona
608 39 63 16
Objectives of Invictes
· Promote and support the recovery of personal autonomy and independent living.
- Promote Personal autonomy
- Accessibility
- Mobility strategies
- Labor insertion
- Communication
- Training
· Accompanying in the adaptation of the family environment to the new situation.
- Accessibility
- Personal autonomy
- Training
- Communication
· Raise awareness and collaborate with the social environment for the SOCIAL INCLUSION of traffic victims based on the recognition of their personal value and contribution to community life.
- Awareness campaigns
- Universal Accessibility
- Communication