The main objective of La Lliga is the improvement of the quality of life and the NORMALIZATION of people affected by any type of chronic rheumatic disease and/or physical and organic disability like the following::
- Physical and/or organic disability of any origin and typology.
- People with reduced mobility.
- People with chronic diseases that cause disability.
- The removal of social and architectural barriers.
- Raising society’s awareness and educating the population.
- Holding general information and dissemination campaigns aimed at civil society which are related to the specific problems.
- The full normalization of the group and the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities through the achievement of the objective of universal accessibility in the urban, architectural and new technologies fields…
- Support personal autonomy.
- Guidance and collaboration in citizen education campaigns aimed at prevention.
- Working on projects involving institutions, the scientific health community and civil society.
- The creation of a volunteer structure with tasked witn orienting, informing and supporting the patient and his or her family environment.
- Collaboration with associations that share similar problems.
- All activities in general, related to rheumatic diseases and alterations of the locomotor system, which may be of interest to its members.
- The realization of population studies of patients of this type in the counties of Tarragona.
- The promotion of research on osteoarticular disorders, and support research studies on the subject.
- Promote, support and collaborate in scientific activities that facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and updating of advances in the specific field.
- Guidance and collaboration in courses for both health and social assistance professionals.
- Assistance and organization of congresses of the scientific community on the various specialties involved in rheumatic diseases and disorders of the locomotor system.